Financially squeezed motorists in the UK are being advised by experts to check their warranty to avoid a massive payout. Amid the cost of living crisis, the car leasing experts at have given drivers advice on what to look for in their warranty to ensure they’re protected for certain eventualities after purchasing a vehicle.

A warranty is a form of insurance that covers the cost and repair of any mechanical faults that may occur during the term of the warranty cover.

Warranties are not exclusive to brand new cars but used cars too – some warranties will come when purchasing a car and others have to be purchased separately.

The terms and conditions can vary depending on a number of factors, so it’s important to read any warranty carefully to make sure problems can be resolved without having to pay a penny.

A spokesperson for said: “Car owners can often feel cheated if they aren’t covered by their warranty, that’s why it’s important to be fully aware of the intricacies of what it says.

“Warranties will often cover things like the engine, gearbox, clutch, electrical systems, and many of the other main components.

“As well as checking the conditions and exclusions of the warranty, taking care of your vehicle and checking any potential faults at the first sign can increase the likelihood of the vehicle being covered under the warranty.”


Some policies will have certain clauses in them which will render them invalid. For example, there may be a mileage limitation that you’re covered within or a servicing requirement that means the car must be serviced at specific intervals.


The warranty will state which parts of the vehicle are covered if something goes wrong. Normal wear and tear usually won’t be covered but manufacturing faults or problems caused by the garage can often be fixed under warranty. Common parts to be included in most warranty covers include engine, gearbox, clutch, fuel system, brakes, electronics, air-con, and the steering mechanism.


Under most agreements, modifications made to the car can invalidate the warranty and mean that if something does go wrong the vehicle won’t be covered. Some warranties may allow modifications but it is always advisable to check the terms and conditions before carrying out any work.

Check the term

Warranty length can vary from place to place and can range from a few months to a few years. If you’re struggling to find out when your warranty ends, then you can find out by checking the car’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Look in the vehicle handbook to see where this is located and have this and your vehicle mileage to hand. You can then call up a dealership which sells your brand of car and ask them for the warranty information.


If you’ve bought a brand new or nearly new car then it may be worth checking whether you can extend the manufacturer’s warranty – especially if it is for a short time like three months. This can however be a costly method, so it’s worth checking around at independent providers.