Motorists are being urged to learn the best ways to avoid damage to their vehicles – with news more funding could see up to one million potholes filled on UK roads.
Last week Chancellor Rishi Sunak pledged £5bn to spend on local roads maintenance works as part of this year’s Autumn Budget and Spending Review. This figure would be enough to fill one million potholes, although the actual details of what the money will be spent on has still to be announced.
But what causes potholes and how can you limit damage to your car? The driving experts at lift the lid on ways to avoid costly damages from the pesky craters.

A spokesman for said: “Driving along roads with large and unsightly potholes is a huge nuisance and a potential danger for motorists around the UK. We welcome this extra investment into local roads maintenance works from the Government – but there is still much more to do to enhance our roads.
“We also want to encourage motorists to avoid damaging their cars whilst there are still so many potholes prevalent on our roads.”
Potholes are created by the expansion and contraction of the road’s surface once water seeps into cracks in the road.
This expansion can result in large gaps in the road’s surface which over time grow even larger as cars drive over them and damage the road beneath its surface layer.
Wheel cracks, alloy damage, wheel alignment issues and suspension damage are all potential issues which can arise from driving over potholes.
Here are’s top tips for avoiding pothole damage:
When driving along roads littered with large or deep potholes, drivers should ensure they are steering in the correct position, with both hands firmly on the steering wheel. Upholding this position ensures full control of the vehicle and direction of the wheels which are often the biggest victim of pothole damage.
Keep speed down
Hitting potholes at a high speed will only increase the chances of gaining severe damage to wheels and alloys.
Brake safely
Although it may feel tempting to brake when driving over a pothole, motorists should instead stick to a slow speed and continue driving when possible. Applying your vehicle’s brakes over a pothole will cause the motor to tilt forwards, putting additional pressure on the suspension which can lead to damage.
Keep back
It is very important for motorists to ensure they are driving a safe distance away from others to ensure full visibility of the road surface ahead. Surprise potholes can often cause drivers to panic and lead to situations where they are breaking unnecessarily.
Regular tyre checks
Tyres in a bad condition will be predisposed to pothole damage. Motorists should ensure tyre pressure is at the recommended level for their vehicle and their tyres are in tip top shape.
Any motorists concerned their car may have been damaged should seek professional advice early to prevent knock-on damage from potholes, leading to costly repairs.