New drivers have been advised on the essential items that should be kept in vehicles at all times, from reflective triangles and jump leads to first aid kits and maps.

Motoring experts from have revealed 14 practical items drivers should keep in their cars and vans to avoid getting caught out in bad weather or when broken down.

Some of the most common causes of breakdowns include tyre punctures, flat batteries and empty fuel tanks, so drivers should keep spare tyres, jump leads and empty fuel cans to help in these situations.

But even everyday items like blankets and sunglasses are worth having to hand to make journeys safe and comfortable.

A spokesperson for said: “Whether you’re heading out on a big road trip or simply commuting to and from work, it’s a good idea to have all the necessary essentials for comfort, safety, and those dreaded breakdowns.

“Packing light has its advantages, but keeping these items in your car at all times could be a big help if the needs arise.”

  1. Reflective triangles and a high visibility jacket

If you’re unfortunate enough to break down, you’ll need to use reflective triangles in order to alert other road users. Wearing a high-vis jacket will also ensure that you’re seen by other road users – this is especially vital if you have to walk to find an emergency telephone on the hard shoulder, or if you break down in the dark.

  • Spare tyre and car jack

Probably one of the most common causes of breakdowns are tyre punctures, so it’s always a good idea to keep a spare tyre with you. Most new cars come with one, but if yours doesn’t have one, it’s definitely worth making the investment. You should also pack a car jack and wrench, otherwise you won’t be able to change it if needed.

  • Jump leads

Another common reason for breakdowns is a flat battery – particularly in the colder weather when car batteries tend to be more temperamental. If you buy a set of jump leads, you will be able to get a jump start from another driver and be back on the road in no time.

  • Mobile phone car charger

If you break down, there’s no telling how long you might be stuck waiting for recovery or traffic to clear up. The last thing you need is a dead battery when you need to call a recovery service, so always keep a portable phone charger in your car.

  • Spare coolant, oil and windshield-washer fluid

Checking these regularly can help you avoid getting caught out, but it’s always good to have extras to hand, just in case.

  • Wind-up torch

If you have to check under the hood of your car in the dark, you’ll struggle without a torch.

  • Empty fuel can

Keep an empty fuel can in your car so that if you run out of fuel on the road, you’ll be able to walk or get a lift to the nearest petrol station to fill it up.

  • Non-perishable snacks

Energy or cereal bars are great to keep in your glove compartment just in case you need to keep your energy levels up.

  • First-aid kit

It’s a good idea to keep a simple first aid kit in the car in case of emergencies. You can buy these in some supermarkets, car stores, or online.

  1. Sunglasses

When the sun is low in the sky, particularly around spring and autumn, the glare can be blinding so keep some sunglasses to hand.

  1. Map

An old-fashioned paper road atlas can help you out in case you get lost and your phone is out of battery, data, or signal, and there aren’t any locals around to ask.

  1. Change

Prevent getting caught out with unforeseen tolls or parking fees by keeping some change in the car.

  1. Ice scraper

You’ll need this to clear your windscreen and windows in winter.

  1. Blanket

If you’re caught out by unexpected rain and end up getting soaked, a spare blanket or towel is great for drying off or covering your car seat. It’s also great for impromptu picnics.